Sometimes, we all do things we’re not proud of.
For example, I just ended that sentence with a preposition. Not proud of it. Nevertheless, I press on.
Crap! I did it again.
Speaking of things we’re not proud of (which we are, because I just brought it up), I attended the opening concert of the Miley Cyrus world tour this week.
In the arena, filled to the brim with SCuh-REAMING little girls, I’m embarrassed to admit that I had a Buh-LAST!
This goes along with all of those posts, most of which have been written only in my head, on Who I Really Am vs. Who I Wish I Was.
I wish I was a patron of the arts. I wish I took my well-behaved and angelic children to art galleries and the opera. I wish I insisted that, if we MUST watch TV, then only PBS or the Discovery Channel were allowed. I wish we vacationed in Yellowstone and Washington DC.
My parents did all of those things. My husband’s parents did all of those things. We were educated by thoughtful, caring grown-ups who had an appreciation for life-long learning.
Sadly, something misfired. (With me; not with my husband… he still wants to spend time at the Smithsonian, so he’s good.) Even though my parents raised me overseas, steeped in Asian cultures, exposed to people with different ideas and various beliefs, I still managed to Americanize myself to the point where
I thought Miley Cyrus was AWESOME.
I’d tell you that I took Abby to the concert as her indulgent, long-suffering mother, hoping that the activity would draw us closer together. The indulgent part might be true. The draw us closer part is always a happy byproduct of hanging out. But the long-suffering part is just false. It was way too much fun for that.
Ms. Cyrus is an excellent entertainer. Her dancers were amazing. Her band was spot-on. The special effects were… special. I totally get why Abby loves this girl. It was just kick-in-the-pants fun.
Apparently, I can wish away about who I’d like to be. Then sometimes I’m faced with who I am. Heck, life’s too short to pretend to be someone I’m not.
My name is Beth. (Hi, Beth.) I love Disney vacations and roller coasters. I think it’s funny when my twin toddlers pee on the pitcher’s mound in the field next to the one where their big brother is playing soccer… and then play in the mud they made. I think homemade crayon drawings with “I love you, Mom” written on them are better art than that I’ve seen in galleries and museums. My floor is so dirty that I tell people not to take their shoes off at my house; I’m too afraid of what might squish between their toes. I enjoy popsicles and ice cream sandwiches… and I just found out that I love Miley Cyrus.
I know you might be too embarrassed to be my friend after reading this. I want you to know that I understand. Do what you need to do.
10 responses to “Miling on the Inside”
I too, still would be your friend, cause well uhm, I love K3 (ask your Dutch boss, he’ll probably know) and Bob the Builder just as much as my kids do and wouldn’t pass up an opportunity to visit a Miley Cyrus concert if it came aknockin’! (though I guess that chance really won’t be that big since she’s not that well-known over here, but stil…) My kids actually discovered the Disney Channel last week when they were at home with the flu and though Hannah Montana is dubbed over here (can you believe that, it’s awful but also a bit funny, Hannah speaking Dutch without the Southern drawl 🙂 ) I think my daughter really liked the series, oh dear…
I’m a 37 mom who loved Miley just as much as my 8 and 12 year old daughters. My husband went as well and we all had a rockin’ good time. Thanks for this blog!
I’m embarrassed to be your friend.
Heidi –
I am laughing *so hard*!!!
Beth, It’s too late to worry about being embarrassed to be your friend. We started loving you (whoever you are) a long time ago! (And still do.)
That’s just because you’re the nicest MIL ever.
Beth you pretty much just kinda rock. LOL. I’m ashamed to admit that I couldn’t recognize a Miley song if I heard one. Just last week I flipped to the Disney channel and Hannah Montana was on. I was shocked to learn that she has a Southern Accent. Yep… that’s how behind the times I am. I do however sing along joyfully to the Wiggles.
I loved reading your post and look forward to your Blog postings. They are always honest and always give me a giggle. 🙂
And I still want to be your friend. 🙂
Yay for still having friends! Thanks, Sally. Don’t worry about your lack of Miley-knowledge; your time as a mom of pre-teens will come. I, too, had my time practicing on the Wiggles. I’m not sure it’ll be the same with boys (mine aren’t there yet), but I have a feeling that pre-teens boys will bring their own fun. In fact, my nine-year-old has been assuring me lately that “I know how to build a fire, MOM” (using the “you’re so dumb, Mom” voice) and “I can use the knife, DAD” (same voice, but applied to the male head-of-household figure). That sounds fun, too… I think.
No fear Beth. My 7yr old daughter loves her some Miley. And when she leaves the CD in my car, I don’t even mind. I even sing along. Sometimes I feel weird singing about BFF’s, cute boys, and Girls Night Out, but I can’t help it.
You go, MojoMark. GNO, let’s go! (PS – Your daughter’s welcome to come hang out… she sounds cool. :))