Dear Nicky’s Mom,
Thank you for sewing the tear in Aden’s stuffed leopard.
The tear I’d promised to fix.
Approximately 4 weeks ago. Or maybe 5. Or maybe 6.
Imagine my surprise when Aden rushed to me after school with a huge grin on her face and told me that her leopard was fixed.
“Oh,” I said neutrally. “Did someone fix it for you?”
“Yes!” she responded. “Yay! Yay! Yay!”
“Who fixed it for you?” I asked.
“Nicky’s mom!” she said enthusiastically.
“Who’s Nicky’s mom?” I asked.
“Nicky’s in my class,” she responded.
“Did you ask Nicky’s mom to fix your leopard?”
“I thought I was going to fix it.”
“Whoops.” Aden said.
So, from a mom who doesn’t meet work deadlines to fix torn leopards to a mom who spends her free time making little girls’ dreams come true… you have my appreciation and gratitude. And a teeny, tiny bit of horrified embarrassment.
Aden’s Mom