I’m back!

Welcome to the flip side!

Greg rocks and set me up with my own URL.

Yes. That’s right.


Yay, Greg!

I’m very excited to announce that we’ve graced the world with PutDownTheUrinalCake.com.

I know, I know. I’m always thinking of ways to improve the lives of others.

And what better way than to make people look at the words “urinal cake” day in and day out?

So, if you subscribed to the old site, please add PutDownTheUrinalCake.com to your reader. Or, you can always subscribe via e-mail by clicking here. I’d love to have you on board this Crazy Train!

Greg and I are still in the process of honing things here, and you may notice minor updates for a while. However, the format should be familiar and even easier to read than before.

See this nice, big, easy-to-read font?  Yes, I thought so.

(And I hope you’ll let me know if you have suggestions or find anything that needs fixing.)

It’s after midnight on Friday, and I’m a tired girl who must away to my bed.

Before I go, though, I loved, loved, loved my fortune at the Chinese restaurant today for lunch. So I took a picture to share with you.

Why, yes.

I do believe it is.

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16 responses to “I’m back!”

  1. How cool is this! The world finally has a website with a urinal cake address. BTW, is there an older post about where that name came from?

    How fun, Beth. Congratulations!

  2. These comments are getting quite technical . . . I just like reading about crazy stuff that happens in your life so that my life doesn’t feel as crazy! But if you are looking for comments, I do like the larger font size. That is about as technical as I can get 🙂

  3. Captchas off – had Askimet already on, plus .htaccess referrer filtering, so captchas was probably overkill. In my defense, I work with companies who have actual job titles called “Paranoid” and “Chief Paranoid” – I’m still a bit nervous about not having an SSL certificate here, but I’ll get over it 😉

  4. Carina – sorry about the fuzzy words to type for comments – it’s called a captcha, and is indented to prevent automated spam comments. WordPress.com has it’s own filtering mechanisms, but for everyone else we have to use tests like this to tell who’s real and who is a computer. In this case, the word images are from old books, so using it also help digitize the books. As for \insert\ vs. overstrike, I’m not sure about that one. I do need to turn on better formatting options for comments, though. On my to-do list.

  5. Ah yes, I believe I’ve found the first ‘thing that needs fixing’ (though I’m pretty sure it can’t be fixes… bummer…) on your marvellous, gorgeous, awesome new site: the thingy (for lack of a better term, does that have a name?) below you have to type over in order to post a comment! Very annoying, or is that just me? I’m pretty sure I’m not dyslectic, but I’m starting to doubt myself now… Just now, there were symbols in there that I’d never even seen, let alone know where to find ’em! Yes, I’m fully aware of being digitally challenged, unfortunately I don’t have a computer whizzkid husband… I wonder if it’s too late to get him to learn more ‘Greg-stuff’? And then have myself a ‘Mark, the new&improved version’, Mark 2.0 hahaha! Oh, and one more thing: is it just me or is this site a big fan of ‘insert’? Every time I go back to correct and/or add something (yes, I do correct myself once in a while, though I realize it might look like I don’t do that. Ever.), I type over that I’ve just written… Grrrrrr…. (and yes, I’ve already tried pushing the ‘insert’ button on my computer, but that didn’t change it, is there another way to turn it off? Greg? 🙂 ) Okay, I’m done being critical now 😉 Cool site, Beth! Way to go you Oregonians! 🙂

    • I meant to say ‘fixed’! I did. I know grammar. I do! 😉 I’m gonna stop commenting now, also because I might toss the computer out of the window if I have to type something like ‘edurret evening’ one more time! And it’s the school’s computer. They might not like that 😉

  6. Oh, that fortune cookie is just too awesome! I wish we had fortune cookies at our Chinese restaurants… 🙁

    • Come to think of it, it might have something to do with the fact that our ‘Chinese restaurants’ are more Indonesian than they are Chinese! (yes, this comment is posted with the inetntion of making you wanting to come over here even more 😉 )

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