How to Make Coffee and Change the World

There are many things I love about Medical Teams International, but I shall start with the most important.

These people do not kid around when they make coffee.

    For sooth, when the folks who work at Medical Teams International make coffee, they do it like every last one of them is a sleep-deprived mother of five. It’s strong, it’s opaque, you can eat it with a fork, and it will keep your heart revved on Maximum Speed for at least 4 hours. You guys, these are the people you can trust to change the world.

    OK, seriously. Coffee’s not actually at the tippy top of the list of things I love about this organization. But you can still trust these people to change the world because every day in countries all over the world, Medical Teams International is using ordinary people to change and save the lives of mamas and their children.

    As an ordinary person myself, that’s a real relief, because sometimes I don’t know what to do on my own about all the heartache in the world.

    I don’t know about you, but I look around my own house with abiding gratitude. Actually, I take that first part back; a lot of you have been incredibly gracious by introducing yourselves and befriending me, either here or over on Facebook, and I feel like it’s not too presumptuous of me to say that I DO know about you, and we look around our houses with abiding gratitude. We may have toilets that clog with giant kid poos, holes in our walls and tantrum-prone kids, but we also know that the clogs, the holes and the tantrums mean that we have the toilets, the walls and the kids.

    When we mamas see our sisters across the globe raising their kids in crisis or poverty, we ache to provide responsible, sustainable help that will make a difference for a lifetime. That’s exactly why I’m writing today about Medical Teams International. We impact lives every single day at home, and we can do it on a global scale, too, because Medical Teams International empowers ordinary people to make an extraordinary difference. I can’t think of any group of people more compassionate, more qualified, or more willing to change the world than we mamas.

      You guys, I want to live in a World of WOW, and I’m old enough now that it’s up to me to help make it happen. My vision is to help build a reality where more of us mamas get to cuddle our babies, and fewer of us have to bury them. I choose to build the World of Wow in cooperation with Medical Teams International because:

      1. They’re committed to helping mamas and their kids so they, in turn, can help others. Read Margarita’s story to learn more.
      2. Medical Teams International can leverage my donation of only $2.35 to change a life. Imagine what they can do with $25!
      3. If I don’t have $2.35, there are other things I can do to help, and I love participating in a game that everyone can play.
      4. Medical Teams International has an amazing 3% overhead rate and rockin’ fiscal responsibility; they carry Charity Navigator’s highest rating.
      5. These people do not kid around when they make coffee. (Hey. That’s still top five. A girl’s gotta have her priorities.)

      Can Medical Teams International really help us build a World of WOW one $2.35 donation at a time? Check out the One in a Million, One at a Time campaign and see for yourself the ways that we can work together to impact one million lives. Or, skip all that and simply donate now; that works, too.

      Happy Thanksgiving Week!

      Wishing all of us a World of WOW,


      P.S. Here’s the recipe for authentic Medical Teams International coffee:

      • Use the recommended amount of coffee grounds.
      • Double that.
      • Add more.
      • Chew.

      P.P.S. Although they provide me with all the coffee I can drink and a part-time paycheck, I’m not being paid, pressured or pampered by Medical Teams International to write this blog post. In fact, they’d probably rather I stop, especially when they see the upcoming post titled “Woody and Me.” Teehee.

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