I think big families are supposed to be good at long road trips and car games. And sewing our own clothes and gardening. And singing in harmony like the VonTrapps and playing violin and piano. And homeschooling.
We think all of the above are fantastic. If your family does one or more well – go, you! We, however, suck at each and every one.
That’s not quite true anymore.
After our trip to Sunriver last week, we have one really good car game that’s AWESOME. We made it up our own dam selves, and because I give you all of my very best parenting tips and tricks on this site, I’m gonna let you in on
The Dam Game
which we played for at least 15 minutes straight, meaning that we only griped, whined, bickered, and are-we-there-yetted for 3 hours and 15 minutes… instead of 3 hours and 30 minutes. It’s a winner, I tell you.
Here to explain it to you, vlog style, are Cai, Cael and Aden in the flesh. Be sure to pay careful attention; the video is less than 30 seconds long, and the dam game rules are very complicated.
Honestly. It never gets old.
P.S. Abby told me I wouldn’t post this if I was mature.
P.P.S. Abby’s totally right.
P.P.P.S. Other immature videos by me are this one about sex and this one about teaching kids to bathe.
P.P.P.P.S. Sorry, Abby.
P.P.P.P.P.S. Abby hijacked my phone when I wasn’t looking and uploaded this picture with her sister:
I think it best captures how Abby feels about the Dam Game. Someday I hope to be as mature as my kids.
10 responses to “The Dam Game: another Five Kids video presentation”
You’ll be able to organize it.
Dam it all over the place, Beth!
I like your dam style! 😉
And I like your dam comment.
Here in Australia we call that game “hey Ewe”‘
Hehehe! Love it. I drove a van full of high school girls to camp on Sunday – 4 hours round trip – and they played HEY! all the way there ’cause it’s August in Oregon and time to harvest hay. We tried to find dams, but there aren’t many that direction, so HEY! had to do, except when they’d point at something and yell NOT DAM!
Hmmm. You need to point at something, right?
Exactly. Although, the kids also tried to play “TREE!” which is a little too much when driving through Oregon. We decided that the things we yell must be rare (which sounds like “way-oh” since 4 out of 5 kids can’t pronounce their r’s), so we played DAM and WAHVA WALK and BEAV-OH. We never saw any actual beavers, though, so that one ended up being BEAV-OH NOT WEALLY THEY-OH!
I totally play that game! But Jeremy refuses to play, so I always win!
Like getting the easy “A” in school, except way more fun ’cause you get to yell “DAM” a lot. Jeremy’s missing out.