This is the International Sign for…

I love international signs. They always make me look at the world just a little bit differently.

For example, I think we need this one for “Catch the Falling Baby” in the United States.

Just think of all the times we could’ve caught the baby, if only there’d been a sign.


P.S. Greg thinks this might not actually be a “Catch the Falling Baby” sign but I think it’s unlikely the French would make a “Throw the Baby to the Ground” sign, don’t you?



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21 responses to “This is the International Sign for…”

  1. That’s funny, I thought it meant: “Stay Baby. Stay on that melon wedge.” You know, a baby appetizer…. like those little corn cobs.

  2. I have nothing to add; I just had to chime in to say that you all are HILARIOUS! What wonderfully varied and goofy ways of looking at the world! Me? I just saw it as a sign indicating a changing table (I know–how boring, right?) but I actually felt myself get excited! Maybe it’s because there’s such a dearth of changing tables here in Ukraine that I suffer from permanent changing-table envy.

    • Sharon! I know what you mean about dearth of changing tables in Ukraine. I think people in charge are still generally acting like that aspect of parenting is entirely too private to acknowledge in public by designation a spot and indicating it with a sign… Good luck! Are you there for business, pleasure or ministry?

  3. The sign for beat your baby in the head with a door handle? I know all of my babies had their heads bumped on a door jamb, but I’ve never impaled them on a handle before.

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