Do you Instagram? I’m there more and more often these days. Instagram is eking its way in to my favorite places to spend time online.
If Facebook is the living room of social media where we sit in sticky stuff on my couch and talk about things that are real and laugh at the stuff that doesn’t matter, then Instagram is the corner coffee shop with local art on the walls and snippets of real life caught in overheard conversations. Yeah, yeah; I hear Instagram is out to sell our stuff to the highest bidder (except I also hear they’re not), but I’m a total Pollyanna, folks. I like to use it. It’s fun!
Today we had a rare snow event here in our bit of Oregon. Here’s our day in Instagram images and captions:
1. Early morning. Rare snow day. Get up NOW, Mom!
(Nice mascara smudges and eye bags, lady.)
2. Winterizing the pipes?
Um, yes.
#Oops #PastTime
3. Pink snowsuit & Sponge Bob boots.
When you’re a little boy with big sisters,
4. Pink snowsuit #HandMeDown. He doesn’t seem traumatized.
Good thing we’re raising kids to pay for their own counseling, though,
5. Homemade snow cones from real snow and condensed juice.
This is our #FamilyTradition. Mmm!
6. Real hot chocolate! #Delicious.
Aaannndd… the #KidsHatedIt.
7. Middle schooler in the snow.
#HowToDress for school. #DressForSuccess.
I love #MyWeirdKid.
If you’re on Instagram, I’d love to follow you: leave your Instagram handle in the comments for me. I’m over there @5kidsisalotofkids.
P.S. Speaking of social media, I suck at Twitter. I do. For those of you who follow me there, I apologize for saying I’ll come to the party and never, ever showing up. That’s not cool. It’s just that Twitter’s a hot, hip bar where I’m neither hot nor hip. Every once in a while, I peek in the window or slip inside to stand in a corner with my drink but everyone’s talking all at once and not necessarily to anyone. I try to get it, but I just feel old and pathetic. Also, folks are succinct on Twitter, and I think we can all agree I’m terrible at succinct. I vow to keep trying, though, so that someday I may laugh at my Twanxiety. For now, feel free to share your Twitter tricks and tips. I’m all ears!
P.P.S. I’m not responsible enough to have a Pinterest account, but thanks to those of you who’ve suggested I hang out there. It sure is pretty in your neighborhood! Here’s hoping I learn to manage my time well enough to join you someday. Also, a big thanks to those of you who pin Five Kids blog stuff; that’s nice of you.
P.P.P.S. Instagram, etc. didn’t pay or otherwise compensate me for this post. I just think it’s fun to use, and I want to see your pics.
13 responses to “The Five Kids Blog As It Appears On Instagram”
I’m @secolebrook on Instagram. Would love to follow you there as well. Thanks for being so honest and taking your time to write about what’s in your head.
I’m glad I’m not the only one to dress my boy up in hand-me-down pink clothes from his older sister!! No adverse effects noted yet, but he’s only 2 1/2.
@tabithajohns mostly my baby boy lol with some of the pooch
@hpassmore on Instagram. Mostly pictures of food and my dog. And my niece makes an appearance once in a while. No kiddos of my own, yet.
Good Heavens Beth – in that first picture you look exactly like Angelina Jolie (and I mean that as a compliment). What a beautiful pict of you! I love Instagram too, but don’t hang out there much. Just upload a pict from time to time when I remember to break out my camera. I don’t think I will ever Tweet though….
Have fun in the snow!
Agreed. I am LindsJobe on Instagram. 🙂
I agree. That picture of you is gorgeous!
I just don’t get twitter. Seriously-are these people there ALL THE TIME??? I follow people and I even have followers but I have no idea why.
Love instagram! I’m not hip to Twitter yet though. I’m at @jessgib2245! 🙂
Man I miss snow cones!
I’m @Mrsmawhinney…I warn you though, it’s mostly baby photos, my family gets on my case if I don’t post one every day!
Your middle schooler looks like mine in the snow, except for the shoes. Mine only wore shoes under protest. I have a picture somewhere of him building snow caves barefoot!
@mrsjroth on Instagram. It is quite a wonderful place to hang out. I didn’t know when I first joined that followers could see your pics and I accidentally announced early to some people I was pregnant. MAJOR OOPS!!