My kid accidentally punched his sister in the face.

My six-year-old accidentally punched his teenaged sister in the face on the way to school this morning. I know it was an accident by the way he yelled, “IT WAS A ACCIDENT. IT WAS A ACCIDENT. IT WAS A ACCIDENT.”

She thought it wasn’t an accident, FYI. She thought he did it on purpose. She thought he should Knock. It. OFF. GEEZ! But I reminded her that he accidentally punched himself in the penis last night and laid himself flat — twice — so I think maybe we should give him the benefit of the doubt.


P.S. One time my kid punched another kid in the nuts. I can’t help but think we’re making progress.


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6 responses to “My kid accidentally punched his sister in the face.”

  1. Oh my word, Beth! Simply COULD. NOT. STOP. LAUGHING. as I read this post! Had to share it on my fb page! It’s truly a wonderful mummy story – you are rad!

  2. I DO NOT need to read your blog in the middle of the night with sleeping bodies in my bed!!!! I laughed so hard and so loud, I woke up my baby! I have tears streaming down my face I to my pillow, laughing. Thank you!

  3. Wow, there’s certainly never a dull moment around your place, is there? 🙂 Thanks for sharing the laughs!

  4. These accidents do happen. My little sister once accidentally cut my face open all down my right cheek. We got into a row in the car waiting to be taken to school and my mother came out to find both of us in tears, me with blood running down my face and my sister shouting “It was an accident, I only meant to slap her round the face!”

  5. HOO! I really can’t laugh that loud this early in the morning behind my computer at work! Trying to hold it in like that can’t be good for me.

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