5 Quick Questions, vol. 1

I have a friend who has 30 best friends because, as she says, “They’re all best at something different.”

I think she’s onto something.

I’ve been collecting best friends for quite some time now. Some of my friends have to put up with me in person. Anxious me. Confident me. Tongue-tied me. Eloquent me. Weepy me. Stoic me. It’s not always awesome, but they do it because Living Love has little to do with the worthiness of the recipient and everything to do with the generosity of the giver.

Some friends — many of you — do the same thing, living love into this space and my heart, even though we’ve never met in person. Whatever. It’s the 21st century. We can have best friends from all over, even if face-to-face hasn’t happened yet. Thank you, all of you, for enduring, even championing, the whiplash of Both/And Beth.

The trouble is, I often feel like those of you who come here to the blog know me better than I know you, though I recognize many of your names and stories and hearts. Part of it’s just the nature of this forum, and I understand that there are limits. But I don’t like them. They feel… I don’t know… needlessly lopsided. And I’ve decided in many parts of life that doing something is better than doing nothing, even if I can’t do it all. I’ve decided here, in this space, that means pushing into some of the get-to-know-you limits.

So, from time to time, I’m going to ask you a few questions. 5 Quick Questions!

They may be light. They may be deep. But they’re all geared at getting to know you a little bit better. Over time, a lot better. Obviously, answering is up to you. But I hope this gives you a chance to meet each other, too, because this community is AMAZING and encouraging and the world is a better place for having you in it.

Last week I sent my newest BFF, Jacoba of A Yankee Mom in Texas, five questions. Her answers inspired this post, so I’ve copied the same questions here for our first session of 5 Quick Questions. I’m doing this despite the fact that Jacoba called dibs on the Be- Fri- part of the Best Friends necklace and is sticking me with -st -ends. That’s just the kind of Live Love friend I am, folks. The giving kind.

5 Quick Questions

  1. Greek yogurt. Yes or no?
  2. What’s one book you liked that you’re at least a little embarrassed you read?
  3. Tuesdays. 3 o’clock. Explain.
  4. How do you feel about Texas hair? Yeah, yeah. I know it’s a stereotype, and I’m sorry for perpetuating it, but I can do seriously BIG Texas hair and my skills are totally unappreciated in crunchy Oregon. I need to know whether our friendship is open to full hair expression.
  5. Fill in the blank: The last time I had to clean up something wet but not mine was __________________________.


P.S. This happened on Facebook yesterday.

photo (43)

If you want to see the whole story, which includes Jesus tripping me with underwear, click here.


P.P.S. The Greek yogurt? I need to know.


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125 responses to “5 Quick Questions, vol. 1”

  1. 1. Greek yogurt is a YES. It’s got to have some fat in it, though. Not a fan of the 0% stuff. (Too funny about your yogurt evangelists!)

    2. I love to read, and there is not much I’d be embarrassed to admit to reading. However, the Flowers in the Attic series was one that I read as a teen, and was glad that my parents had no idea what it was about.

    3. I am at work, chatting with customers and filling their prescriptions.

    4. I could never do the hair, but I’ll admire from afar.

    5. Wet but not mine… chicken poop on the sidewalk, yesterday.

  2. 1) I make my own yogurt, so I think that makes it Canadian 😉 I like it plain, full-fat, with real maple syrup.

    2) Cheesy Christian romance junk, I think. Or maybe Twilight? Those were pretty awful. And yet I devoured them. Ugh.

    3) Praying baby sleeps a little later than usual for his afternoon nap and the toddler and preschooler don’t murder each other or destroy things while I drink my tea in the kitchen. 3 kids in less than four years make one a little twitchy.

    4) Texas? Never been. Is that a thing down there? I think I’d be in culture shock if I went.

    5) Wet, not mine. Well see there are plenty of times in the day where I encounter wet things that aren’t mine. Like the baby’s spitup and drool. Or the potty-learned-but-regressed toddler’s pee on the couch. Or the preschooler’s master plan of washing the windows with a dripping wet towel. Or the bite of soup that was spit into my hand because it was “too hot”. Whether or not I clean them up though is a different story. There’s dried drool on my shirt right now. And I’m at Starbucks. Mercy.

  3. I am late to the party, but I am here!

    1.Greek yogurt. Yes or no? Yes, but only if it is flavored. Though i feel it necessary to point out that John Stamos has never appeared to me while eating it.
    2.What’s one book you liked that you’re at least a little embarrassed you read? Not embarrassed by books.
    3.Tuesdays. 3 o’clock. Explain. I sit in a parking lot waiting to pick up my husband from work. Usually singing and dancing in the car while I wait
    4.How do you feel about Texas hair? Yeah, yeah. I know it’s a stereotype, and I’m sorry for perpetuating it, but I can do seriously BIG Texas hair and my skills are totally unappreciated in crunchy Oregon. I need to know whether our friendship is open to full hair expression. I am a Texan, I live in humidity, “Texas hair” is a necessity.
    5.Fill in the blank: The last time I had to clean up something wet but not mine was … No kids, no pets so nothing gross, in fact, I can’t even remember.

  4. Okay, I will delurk too!

    Greek yogurt. Yes or no?
    Yum. We don’t buy it or make it much, but it sure is yummy. My toddler thinks it’s ice cream.

    What’s one book you liked that you’re at least a little embarrassed you read?
    Okay, so I still on occasion read horse stories. Yes, I am “a little too old for them”. But they’re happy.

    Tuesdays. 3 o’clock. Explain.
    I dunno Beth, there’s no explaining them.

    How do you feel about Texas hair?
    It’s pretty rare here in the interior of BC, but hey, why not?

    Fill in the blank: The last time I had to clean up something wet but not mine was
    5 minutes ago, I wiped my baby’s nose.

  5. 1. Greek yogurt is too expensive. But last year we were at the Ostrich Festival in Arizona over spring break and there was this greek yogurt truck handing out FREE greek yogurt to kids because they were advertising a new kids version. I totally ate one of my kids’ and I liked it.
    2. Twilight Saga
    3. Just about everyday at 3, I am trying to pump myself up for the task of collecting three of my kids from the bus stop.
    4. I wish I could make my hair big, but there’s not enough there. More power to ya!
    5. I wiped up a baby prunes/spit-up combo a couple hours ago.

  6. 1). Yes! Love oikos caramel. Heaven
    2). Embarrassed? Are you kidding me? As another mother of 5, I think they have run out of things to Embarrass me with. Can’t think of a thing.
    3). I run a daycare with 5 other kids that are not my own. 3oclock on tues usually means just 45 minutes left until all the urchins get up from naps and my kids come through the door. In other words, hurry up and do what just HAS to be done or take a quick nap!
    4). Texas hair … Hmmmm. No real opinion there as I have always had really short hair since 3rd grade. I have been known to rat my hair a little so I guess I am in the big hair camp!
    5)something wet that wasn’t mine has to be the vomit from my 8 mo old day care kid this morning as she and her mom walked in the door! Good morning to me! The fun never ends!

  7. 5 Quick Questions

    Greek yogurt. Yes or no?
    Sure. We like it in smoothies and I like it as a sub for sour cream.
    What’s one book you liked that you’re at least a little embarrassed you read?
    Can’t think of one
    Tuesdays. 3 o’clock. Explain.
    I’m at work. Usually nothing exciting happening.
    How do you feel about Texas hair? Yeah, yeah. I know it’s a stereotype, and I’m sorry for perpetuating it, but I can do seriously BIG Texas hair and my skills are totally unappreciated in crunchy Oregon. I need to know whether our friendship is open to full hair expression.
    Being currently from Texas, I haven’t really seen it, but I don’t understand it either. But full hair expression is fine.
    Fill in the blank: The last time I had to clean up something wet but not mine was my son’s nose. Nothing gross or thrilling there.

  8. Ok, so I’ve had this window open on my computer since you first posted it wanting to respond. Here’s to gettin’ things done and closing windows! Oh, and letting you get to know me better.

    Greek yogurt. Yes or no?
    Yes, love

    What’s one book you liked that you’re at least a little embarrassed you read?
    The only thing I can think of right now is the Twilight series. I know they aren’t the best pieces of fiction, but I liked them. And that’s the point right?

    Tuesdays. 3 o’clock. Explain.
    Oh 3 o’clock (I sigh). That’s the time that my kids get up from their nap/rest time. So I’m usually lamenting over my time ill spent while they were quiet and not up in my biz. If they are not awake yet, I’m trying to decide if I really want to go wake them up or let them sleep (which will most definitely make bedtime even harder).

    How do you feel about Texas hair? Yeah, yeah. I know it’s a stereotype, and I’m sorry for perpetuating it, but I can do seriously BIG Texas hair and my skills are totally unappreciated in crunchy Oregon. I need to know whether our friendship is open to full hair expression.
    I can dig Texas hair. I think I have naturally Texas hair. I work everyday to tame it. So I can relate.

    Fill in the blank: The last time I had to clean up something wet but not mine was
    This morning when my 3 yr old sneezed and snot went all down her face, onto my shirt, and also added a nice spray to our sheets. That reminds me…I need to wash those. Could be worse … could be worse.

    LOVE your blog. Thank you for being so open and authentic in everything you write!

  9. I love this post. Thanks for asking! Here goes:

    Greek yogurt: I’m not sure. The last time I had any, I was first-trimester pregnant and had an unreliable palate/stomach combo and was traveling by car from Arkansas to Georgia. It didn’t end well and I haven’t tried it since but it might not have had a fair shot, all things considered.

    Slightly embarassing book to have liked: I guess Rob Lowe’s Stories I Only Tell My Friends?

    Tuesdays. 3 o’clock: In the car picking up my five-year-old from school. On arriving home, I will have either three or five children in my charge for the next two hours, depending on the childcare needs of my neighbor. The five kid days get a little crazy and they’re only all in my house at once for those two hours out of the week. Don’t know how you do it 24/7.

    Texas hair? I think I have no opinion. The last time I did anything intentional with my hair beyond pony-tailing was a good couple of years ago. I guess I could have opinions about other people’s hair but… Yeah, I guess this makes me open to full hair expression. Probably the central great discoveries and celebratory moments of my life have had to do with the flying of freak flags so go ahead — wave that baby high!

    The last time I had to clean up something wet but not mine was: belonging to one of two potty-training two-year-olds? Only one of them is mine but when the other one pees in my house, I still get to clean it up. It was probably that, most recently, I mean, but definitely most grossly was last Saturday’s projectile vomit. We’ve had some norovirus around here.

  10. Beth, I’m late for the party, but I’m loving all the answers and joining in….

    Greek yogurt. Yes or no?

    Definitely yes… I like how thick it is and have even managed to turn it into dessert a few times – fruity Chobani with a layer of Hershey’s syrup on top. Turned out much better than expected. 😀

    What’s one book you liked that you’re at least a little embarrassed you read?

    I have read a lot of books I’ve over the years that I wouldn’t want to leave on my coffee table… “Romance” novels, a book about how to solve your cat’s litter box problems (looong story), Kama Sutra sex positions, and a huge collection of cheesy Sweet Valley High books I was addicted to as a kid that take me back to that time whenever I pick one up.

    Tuesdays. 3 o’clock. Explain.

    I have a bizarre schedule… Some days I’m just waking up at 3pm after going to bed at 10am. My husband is usually off from his day job on Tuesdays, so we’re often working on side jobs at home around 3pm.

    How do you feel about Texas hair? Yeah, yeah. I know it’s a stereotype, and I’m sorry for perpetuating it, but I can do seriously BIG Texas hair and my skills are totally unappreciated in crunchy Oregon. I need to know whether our friendship is open to full hair expression.

    As a child of the 80’s, I have a soft spot for huge hair… Like the band Nitro-huge (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1OIruGJk88). I remember trying to get my bangs/hair into a sky-high style like everyone from Tiffany to hair bands had, but the results could be summed up with a single comment from my father: “It looks like your brains are exploding out the front of your head”. I have utmost respect for anyone who can do big hair well and I say more power to Texan ladies who wear it well. In equally crunchy San Francisco, big hair doesn’t fly, but maybe it should…

    Fill in the blank: The last time I had to clean up something wet but not mine was

    About an hour ago… My cat becomes a helicopter when he has a hairball and always throws up a minimum of three times. He has a big fluffy tail that he smacks the ground repeatedly with as he pukes and spins in circles, so if I’m not there to grab and guide him, he decorates himself and the floor quite nicely with his paintbrush of a tail… Kind of like really gross abstract art. 🙂

  11. 1. Greek Yogurt. I love it!! I haven’t actually ever had the flavored ones. I buy plain Zoi, or I buy regular plain yogurt and strain it to make my own greek yogurt. I do eat it plain occasionally, but usually I drizzle honey and sprinkle cinnamon on it, or make tzatziki. (the greek version of ranch dressing). I also use it instead of sour cream on various dishes.

    2. The Art of Kissing. My friend bought it for me. ‘Cause that’s what best friends who know you’ve never been kissed do. (Don’t worry, my husband rectified the situation quite adequately when we were dating…… 🙂 )

    3. It really depends. Probably cooking something super yummy for my husband or watching a movie with my son. Or my son is shrieking at me at an unbelievably high pitch and I’m trying to figure out whether it’s a happy or sad shriek….

    4. It’s fine. I don’t do it myself much, except for 80’s parties. But if it looks good on you go ahead.

    5. This morning when my son drooled in my ear and snotted in my hair……

  12. 1. No, I don’t like yogurt.
    2. I read all the time. I can’t think of anything I’m embarrassed by.
    3. Tuesdays at 3 o’clock, I am cleaning up my classroom for the day and getting ready to go home.
    4. I love Texas hair. I seriously loved my hair in high school, but unless I pay for a serious perm, there is no more Texas hair 🙁
    5. I woke up this morning. Walked into the bathroom. Stepped in a puddle. Backed up to turn on the light, and the cat had peed on the bathroom floor in protest that the food dish was empty. I was not a happy cat owner to say the least. At least it was on the linoleum and not on carpet.

  13. Shout out from a born & raise Oregonian, currently Floridian, by way of California…

    1. Greek yogurt. Yes or no? Not for me – tried it a couple times cuz of all the hype, can’t do it.
    2. What’s one book you liked that you’re at least a little embarrassed you read? Favorite smutty novel from college was “Butterfly” by Kathryn Harvey and the sequel “Stars”. Well, let’s just say it’s not hard core, but for a former church youth leader, it was an eye-opener 🙂
    3. Tuesdays. 3 o’clock. Explain. Sitting at my desk thinking, “It’s only Tuesday? Oh, I forgot to put the diaper laundry into the dryer before I left for work this morning, shoot! I’ll have to monitor that while feeding the baby, cleaning up from dinner, repacking the diaper bag, and folding the laundry from Monday that didn’t get put away. Gah, I’m tired already and wish I could just go to bed. *Looks at the clock* Thank goodness it’s two hours away.”
    4. How do you feel about Texas hair? Envy – I have no patience to spend any more time than washing, towel-drying, combing, and pony-tailing, so I’m deep in envy of anyone that can take that extra 5-30 minutes and look so put together. Lord, help me if I have a girl someday… she won’t be looking to me for hair & makeup advice.
    5. Fill in the blank: The last time I had to clean up something wet but not mine was _____cat puke_____. My old cat is losing tolerance for cat food and while my 1 year old snoozes away all night long, my cat pukes at 3am every other night. Gross!

  14. 1. Greek yogurt – I enjoy the plain. You can sprinkle a little garlic salt in it for a savory snack. Or, for a sweet snack, put some honey in it. It’s DELICIOUS!
    2. Embarrassing book – when I was maybe 15 or 16, my mom gave me a book to read, not knowing that it was a romance novel (my mom loves romance novels). I was very surprised when I got to the racy parts! I asked her if she knew it was a romance novel and she said no – and then she asked me if I finished it. Well, of course I did! I was pretty embarrassed to tell my mom that, ha ha!
    3. Tuesdays, 3:00 – I’m wrapping up work so that I can leave at 4:00 and go shake my booty at Zumba.
    4. Texas hair – I’m not a huge fan of Texas hair, but my husband is, so when I get ready to go out, I use the diffuser, which makes my naturally curly hair BIG BIG. I’ve walked out of salons feeling like a newscaster after they did the blowout with the round brush. I’ve learned to tell them to pull my hair DOWN, not OUT when they dry my hair. My hair wants to be big. I want it to be medium sized. I have a small head. You have to have hair in proportion, ya know?
    5. I don’t have kids yet, and I make my husband clean up after himself, so I don’t clean up wet stuff a lot yet. The last time was probably last week when I had to clean the dirty water from the pavement off the back of my legs. I do so love how walking in a skirt over wet pavement makes little water droplets spray up the backs of your legs. Oh, Oregon. 🙂

  15. 1) NO. Actually I don’t like any yogurt.
    2) Twilight. (I’ve read all four books in the series…now I’m really embarassed.)
    3) I’m either making snacks for my two little boys, or sleeping. (I’ve been really sick recently – just finished up a round of chemotherapy – and most days I’m napping at 3:00, at which point my kids run around unsupervised. No – really – my sweet mother-in-law takes care of them while I’m sleeping.)
    4) I envy Texas hair. My own hair is perfectly straight, and if there’s even a smidge of humidity in the air, it falls completely flat. Plus, chemo thinned my hair out, so I’m in even worse shape than ever!
    5) …last Sunday morning. My 3-year-old son didn’t quite make it to the toilet in time, and I found him standing in front of the toilet, pants down, in a puddle of his own pee. Poor baby – he was mortified, but I was glad that he was trying, at least!

  16. First off — I love your blog.

    1) NO. I don’t like any yogurt. Unless it’s vanilla and I have some granola to mix in.
    2) Twilight. I’ve read all four books in the Saga. And I love the movies. (now I’m REALLY embarrassed.)
    3) Either making a snack for my two little boys, or sleeping. (I’ve been sick recently, just finished up a round of chemotherapy, so these days I’m usually napping at 3:00. My sweet mother-in-law takes care of the boys at that time.)
    4) I envy Texas hair. My hair is perfectly straight and if there’s even a smidge of humidity in the air, it falls completely flat.
    5) this past Sunday morning. My 3-year-old son missed the toilet and I found him standing in a puddle of pee in front of the toilet. Love him!! At least he was trying to get there!!

    This was fun! thanks for your sharing and humor!

  17. Hi!!!! Sometime commenter (various emails or Facebook) and an emailer of sorts chiming in here. 🙂

    Greek yogurt – yes! Almost every day for breakfast, except when my kids eat all of it and there is none left for me.
    Embarrassing reads? Nah, I got over that after I tried to slog my way through Anna Karenina (and couldn’t finish it) at the behest of my best friend who thought I should read something “real”. Love historical romance, young adult fiction. I have a list of at least a dozen books my kids want me to read next. 🙂
    Tuesdays 3pm? Usually taking a quick break at work.
    Big hair? Love it! I have fine thin hair, so it takes way too much time for me to go big. Plus it falls out if I do try. Go for it!
    This morning, cleaned up the spilled hot water from the kids making their instant grits.

  18. Haven’t tried Greek yogurt. I tried to buy it a couple of weeks ago, but accidentally bought GOAT yogurt instead. Whoops.
    I read The Mists of Avalon and really liked it until my husband read it and was all, “Gosh, there’s a lot of incest in this book!”
    On Tuesdays at 3 o’clock I am hopefully ushering the last of the parents and kids out of the family centre where I work. Then it’s on to do the end of the day tidying up duties before the end of the day debriefing. Then I go home. I’m ok, usually a little tired and more than a little in need of a cookie or a small Coke.
    Not all of Oregon is crunchy. I grew up there. If you want to do big hair, go for it, I say. Some people might think you are being hipster-ironic, and that would be pretty funny!
    Hmmm. One evening this weekend just after bedtime, my son came out of our (one) bathroom and announced that there were girl underwear on the floor in the bathroom. I went in and checked. Yep. Wet. And belonging to the child who swore up and down while she was throwing a tantrum that she did NOT need to PEE!!

  19. I LOVE this idea.

    1. Greek Yogurt- Yum/Yes, pineapple specifically. It is amazing.
    2. Embarrassing book- I wish I had something witty and funny for this one, but I have nothing. I do love to read though.
    3. Tuesdays 3 o’ clock. My hubby’s late night, I’m on my own and usually tired. Just walked in the door from school with my pre-schooler, kindergartner, and 12 week old who has spent most of her 12 weeks crying (especially in the car) if not screaming and occasionally smiling (which makes it all okay 😉 ) wash hands, snack, homework, settle the dispute on who feeds the dog because of course no one wants to wash their hands more than necessary, straighten the house, start dinner, baths, prayers & bed. And I’ve successfully done this all while nursing the baby. 😉 (Truly I don’t feel I have it all that hard 🙂 )
    4. My feelings on “Texas” hair- I love hair, it’s what I do. But Texas hair, you can spot a mile away. It’s all the same- Big ol’ Texas style.
    5. Cleaned something wet that wasn’t mine- Today: My 6 year old’s boy pee off the back seat of my car. : / Emergency stop to pee in a water bottle, his little winky slipped out and sprayed the back of the drivers seat.

  20. Oh, you make dulurking fun! I jumped over here from your illustrated post at Crappy Pictures and just never left.

    1. I buy the plain stuff and use it for sour cream and also in our smoothies. With enough honey or fruit added to it, it’s not bad. But generally I have a healthy suspicion of anything “fat free.”

    2. Not really embarrassed of anything I read. I guess I didn’t recommend the Chelsea Handler books to my grandmother when she asked if I had read anything good lately. So maybe those.

    3. Monday and Tuesday the 4 yr old doesn’t have preschool so by Tuesday at 3 pm both he and I are counting down the minutes until it’s time to pick up the kindergartner from school.. Usually we’re both a little testy at this point. He needs his Best Friend back and I need a little break from being the second choice Best Friend.

    4. I’m afraid I’m one of those crunchy Oregonians who doesn’t appreciate big hair, but even though I can’t appreciate it doesn’t mean I’ll judge. Well, just a little bit: because I don’t get why someone would spend those precious minutes on her hair instead of not-sleeping in bed.

    5. I have 2 small boys. I assume I’ll have to clean up something wet that isn’t mine every day until they leave home.

  21. 1. Mmmmmmm greek yoghurt especially vanilla flavoured over a lovely fruit salad.
    2. 50 Shades of Grey but mostly because it was SO bad.
    3. 1 hour of work left and then home to pick up my kidlet from childcare and then a Mummy and Millie evening while hubby plays indoor cricket (translates to drinking with his mates).
    4. I live in Australia and I don’t understand this question lol I know I can’t have big hair because mine is too fine and it falls out after about 30 minutes 🙂
    5. Last Saturday my 4 year old spilled a glass of water in the lounge room.

  22. 1) Greek Yogurt- only if John Stamos shows up like they promise
    2) Book – An old Danielle Steele book- I’m so embarrassed I’ve mentally blocked out the name.
    3) 3:00 pm- picking up daughter from Christian school while cussing under my breath at the line-cutters and wishing I had a Vodka neat in my hands.
    4) Texas hair- Hell yeah, y’all!! The older my age, the higher my hair.
    5) Wetness not my own- I had to…ummm…”check” the dog to see if she had accidentally been inseminated…yeah………

  23. Greek yogurt: Meh. It’s okay. Not terrible, but nothing I’d go out of my way to buy.

    Book: “A Courtesan’s Guide To Getting Your Man”. I loved it. It’s somewhat embarrassing because I usually read more intellectual writing like Tolkien and C.S. Lewis. I even turn my nose up at “Eragon”. Most embarrassing reading, though, is very smutty online Artemis Fowl fanfiction.

    Tuesday afternoons I’m usually trying to put the 1-year-old down for a nap while my hubby picks up the teenager from school.

    I have no opinion on Texas hair. My own hair is usually meh.

    Wetness that didn’t belong to me.. well, since my kids belong to me, doesn’t that mean that all wetness emanating from their bodies belongs to me as well? So either kid poop or dog vomit, however you look at it.

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