How to Set Achievable Goals (and Day 174ish of 7+ Giveaways)

“Hey, Mom! Mom. Mom. Mom. Guess what?” 

The 7-year-old was ecstatic after school yesterday. Good news was in the offing, I could tell.

“You know my friend, Chase? At school? He’s, like, a boy. At school? In my class? At school?”

Yeah. I think I know Chase. Do you go to school with him?

“Well, he got to go SNOWBOARDING over winter break! SNOWBOARDING, Mom.”


Wow. That is awesome.

“And he tripped over a ROCK and landed on his FACE.” 

Aw. Poor Chase.

“And he told our class all about it, Mom. ALL about it. So, Mom? Mom. Mom. Mom. I want to do that, too!”

Oh, geez. We can talk about snowboarding sometime, Son, but we’ll have to save money first, and find some time on the calendar, and research where to go, and it’ll require planning and may take a whi…

“NO, Mom. I don’t want to go snowboarding. I want to trip and fall on my face. That stuff is HILARIOUS.” 

Oh my gosh. Thank GOD. This is SO MUCH BETTER than snowboarding. For 3 reasons:

  1. As long as you can agree to sustain only minor injuries to your face, thus avoiding medical intervention, we can TOTALLY afford for you to trip on a rock and fall on your face.
  2. We can fit tripping and falling into our schedule, like, anytime, without any major carpool adjustments.
  3. Way to set an achievable goal, man! Setting bars like this is going to help you accomplish a lot in life. Your list of successes is going to be a MILE LONG, and that’s a plan this mama can support. 


Today is Day 174(ish) in 7+ Days of Giveaways
Or it’s Day 11 of 7+ Giveaways. Whatever. Who’s even keeping track anymore?
Not because giveaways aren’t cool (today’s is rad),
but because they require being organized and stuff, and SHEESH, I’m bad at that.
I’m several weeks behind in wrapping these giveaways up.
I tripped and fell on my face, is what I’m saying,
Nevertheless, we press on toward the goal to win the prizes!

I invited the 5 Kids Blog advertisers (see the column to your right) to join me for 7 (and more!) days of giveaways. CHECK BACK for a NEW GIVEAWAY EVERY DAY. ( <– Lies. I’m not this organized. So check back periodically, instead, for ONE MORE giveaway.)

jpg for wcim final coverToday, our friend, fellow mama of 5, and author Carrie Cariello is giving away a copy of her book, What Color is Monday? 

One day last fall Jack asked me, “What color do you see for Monday?” as I heaved a chicken into the oven. “What?” I said distractedly, turning from the oven to slice some potatoes at the counter.  It was late afternoon, and I was preparing dinner while also managing the demands of homework and tired toddlers.  “Do you see days as colors?”

Raising five children would be challenge enough for most parents, but when one of them has been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, the adventures become even more fascinating.  In this moving–and often funny–memoir, author Carrie Cariello invites us to take a peek into exactly what it takes to get through each day with four boys and one girl, and shows us the beauty and wonder of a child who views the world through a different lens.

You can also check out Carrie’s blog, What Color is Monday?, here.

This giveaway is now closed. Congratulations to Tera @ Adventures in Mommy-hood, winner of What Color is Monday?

TO ENTER: Leave a comment on this blog post by 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on Saturday, January 11th. One entry per person, please. A winner will be selected using a random number generator and posted on Sunday(ish).

This giveaway is open to international participants. International shipping provided by me.

Note: The 5 Kids Blog advertisers provided no additional compensation for these giveaways. Carrie is paying for the cost of the giveaway and U.S. shipping. She paid me for her ad only, and this just seemed like a fun way to work together for your benefit. OK? OK.

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43 responses to “How to Set Achievable Goals (and Day 174ish of 7+ Giveaways)”

  1. You know, I’ve always thought of Monday as being kind of yellow. Not a good yellow, but an acidic paper in the sun yellow. A peeling paint yellow. A kind of sick yellow. I’m not a fan, is what I’m saying.

    I suppose someone who didn’t grow up in the PNW might say “gray”, because ho-hum, the routine, so depressing.

    But, as a Portlander born and raised, I find gray incredibly soothing and homey. Like Saturdays. Saturdays are either dark green (when I have Plans) or a nice medium gray (when I’m going to hang out with my family and do nothing special).

  2. I just love reading your daily adventures and really appreciate your honesty and sense of humor. Thank you for sharing a bit of yourself with us, your readers!

  3. I bought Carrie’s book for a friend who’s child has autism. She loved it. And both of us read her blog but I would LOVE to read her book and lend it to others. We need to get the autism word out!!

  4. This book was great! I would love to win a copy to give to my mom – my brother is Autistic. Thanks for the great blog and the great giveaways!

  5. You know how they have those professional organizers who come to your house and help you get all your crap together? Even though technically you could do it, but you can’t, because your own stuff is monumentally overwhelming?

    Well, I think you should be a professional silver-lining-finder (or a rewriting-the-story-to-highlight-the-hopeful expert or a reclaim-joy-from-trauma advisor or whatever you want to call it). I could use your help, and I suspect many, many others of us slogging through parenthood would hire you in a heart beat.

    Just sayin.

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