I made writing to you a priority ever day for ReLent — you know; ReLent, which is “Lent Again” for those of us who forgot to do it the first time around. Whenever possible, minus a few extraordinary circumstances along the way, I’ve kept my promise. Writing drivel at times, yes. And using a very liberal interpretation of “extraordinary circumstances” because I believe to my toes that you, like me, know that “can’t keep going” and “need rest” and “have to watch Outlander” count as extraordinary.
But I’m writing to you today because I DID make that promise, so I won’t go all quiet and dark here even though I don’t really have time to pen this.
This time, it really is an extraordinary circumstance. Of the kind not just my fellow Mombies will understand.
On Saturday, an earthquake hit Nepal.
And my Other Life, outside my life with my family and my life here with you in this space, is that of Humanitarian Aid worker.
I work also at Medical Teams International.
I keep that quiet a lot, not because it’s a secret, but because I say Weird and Wild things here, and I never want my wild ways or weird theology or bumbling words to reflect poorly on these people I love who spend their lives to save and improve the lives of others.
I work at Medical Teams because it’s our mission send medicines, doctors and nurses — real help — to people affected by disaster, conflict and poverty around the world.
Now, I’ve talked about Jesus here before and the ways I do and don’t fit in with Other Christians. You’ve let me process my faith, and I’ve adored you for sharing yours, especially because we’re sometimes different and sometimes the same, and there’s incredible beauty in finding all comers in this place and talking with each other instead of at each other. So, if you’ve been in this space much at all, you’ll know how sad it makes me when terrible words and deeds are done in Jesus’ name, how I almost abandoned the word “Christian” to identify myself until an athiest friend set me straight (although it occurs to me I may not have told you that story and I probably should), and therefore how healing it is for me to get to work for an organization that just loves people — without regard to faith or creed or status or symbol or ANY OF THE THINGS — just LOVES people who desperately need it, AND are Christians at the same time.
Imagine! Christians out there giving aid to people because they need it!
No requirements.
Just help and hope.
THIS is the church I want to be part of.
THIS is the way I want to spend my life.
Loving people.
I know; I’m a mushy mess.
So I work at Medical Teams International. In the president’s office, no less, although I keep waiting for him to realize I’m a nutjob. (Confession: That cat might be already out of the bag.) And there was an earthquake in the poorest country in South Asia last weekend. And we’re spending this week in emergency response mode. Because there are people who need help. And we’re uniquely positioned to provide it.
I want you to know — I’m going to try to honor my ReLent promise to write to you. And I also want you to know — if I do it, my writing may be even more disjointed and irregular and weird than usual. Because I’m working hard, and my heart is with the people of Nepal.
My heart is with ALL the people, as you know, who are sitting in the dark and waiting for the dawn.
Holding Hands in the Dark — with you and Nepal,
P.S. Medical Teams International is one of only 5 U.S.-based organizations vetted by the World Health Organization and the United Nations to send foreign medical teams to Nepal to respond to this disaster. You can learn more about the Medical Teams International Nepal Earthquake response here.
7 responses to “Nepal”
Good to hear of Medical Teams International contributing strongly to the ongoing crisis.
As a new reader, the depths of your amazing just keeps surprising me. Go! Do good things!
We might miss you but I don’t think any of us would keep you to your reLenten promise. Go do some other very, very important stuff.
I am so proud of you and your work with the Medical Teams International. It seems the busiest people are the ones we can ask to do a job…and get it done. Thank you
Thank you for your good work for Nepal! I’ve been to Nepal several times and I have friends there (who are OK thankfully). It is such a beautiful country with wonderful people. It’s terrible to see the devastation.
Praying strength for you, the aid workers, the people of Nepal, and all who love them.
I was just explaining corpse-seeking elephants to my five-year-old today because of the earthquake.
Do you know about this? Asian elephants can sense human bodies in rubble and wreckage (scientists aren’t sure how, possibly scent), and will stop stock still and do the same “mourning dance” of swaying side-to-side that they do when a member of their herd dies. They even “cry” by releasing fluid from glands in their temples.
It’s amazing how people can pull together, even at great personal cost. It’s amazing how tragedy cuts through all the BS and reminds us that we’re all human, all fragile. Even strangers. Even telemarketers. Even our annoying neighbor with the 4 decaying cars in their front yard.
And it’s amazing that an elephant is too wise to draw distinction between the deaths of family members and the deaths of animals from a completely different branch of the phylogenetic tree.
Find some peace and joy for yourself this week, you deserve it. And keep up the good work, mama! Jesus would be proud.