8 Days of Giveaways! Day SEVEN: Blossoms by Branching Out

Hello, friends and welcome to…

8 Days of Giveaways:

Photo Credit ©Nanci Imagery

Blossoms by Branching Out

Blossoms8Blossoms4Blossoms7I stumbled across Christine at a bazaar a few weeks ago, and I was completely enchanted by her hair blossoms. From teeny, tiny blooms in neutrals to HUGE, full, colorful flowers, I loved every one and bought my fair share because they’re afforable ($2-5 each), and I decided they’re perfect as stocking stuffers. Of course, that was before I decided to keep most of them for myself, but theoretically, they’re ideal to give away.

I tracked Christine down after the bazaar — and after wearing mine and finding them the perfect balance of pretty and durable — and asked her if there was any way she’d want to participate in this giveaway.

She said yes, and here we are! Thanks, Christine!

From Blossoms by Branching Out: My name is Christine and I LOVE flowers! It all started off with a sweet little girl who captured my heart. She came into my life when she was 7 months. She is now 7 and has been “officially” my precious little girl since she turned 3. I am SO grateful!

She loved ‘pretties’ in her hair, and so I started the search. I found the ones in various stores were too flimsy and thin. I really wanted something that was more full and unique. I started looking for various blooms to turn into hair blossoms. My blooms are layered and much more full than those you will find at a store; they have more unique centers and a sturdier clip, too.

I really enjoy custom orders, as well as events. Local customers set up private showings where they come and are able to look through my stock. Most of all, my desire is to provide a fun, cute product that is excellent quality, as well as affordable!

Blossoms by Branching Out offers 5 different sizes of blooms, and I can custom make blooms to fit your needs ranging from the size of a quarter on up.

Our blooms are very versatile. Not only have the adorned sweet little girls’ hair, but all ages of ladies. They can also be used as a brooch, corsages, clipped to a purse, jacket lapel. A couple of others have used it for their flower girls and bridesmaids at their weddings. They can be clipped to sashes of dresses… some gals even used them to embellish their flip flops! If you prefer, we can attach a pin onto the back instead of a clip if you prefer to use it as a pin.

Blossoms10Today’s Giveaway: a Blossoms by Branching Out headband with your choice of either 1 large bloom or 3 mini blooms as pictured right. OR, if you have different colors in mind, Christine will work with you.

TO ENTER, simply leave a comment on this blog post anytime until 11:59pm Pacific Time on Wednesday, December 16. (Psst… don’t enter on Facebook— though I LOVE comments there and read every one, I’m using the blog comment string to randomly select a winner). Any comment will work to enter, but if you’d like a prompt, tell us what small things — like hair blooms or a cup of coffee — make you happy.

This giveaway is now closed.

Congratulations, Pam Zercher! Check your email for a message with all the details. 

You can find Christine at the Blossoms: By Branching Out Facebook page here. For the month of December, Christine is also offering FREE SHIPPING. WOOHOO!


Do Note: Multiple giveaways are going simultaneously — one every day for 8 days and each of them open for 48ish hours, so check back every day to see what new giveaways there are!

Also Note: This giveaway is open worldwide. None of this “America only” crap. We do not have time for America Only in this ComeUnity. Nathan Rhoads is providing two art prints and U.S. shipping; I’ll supplement shipping if one of you wins from elsewhere.

Also-also Note: The artists selected for this giveaway were hand-picked by yours truly. They did not pay for these spots, nor do I benefit in any financial way by hosting these. Emotionally? I get a HUGE benefit. ‘Cause this stuff makes me happy. Each artist received a spot on the right sidebar (or, if you’re viewing on your mobile, at the bottom of the page) to advertise his/her stuff (hint: you can catch a preview there of what’s coming over the next few days), which is my gift to them to thank them for partnering with me. They’re rad.

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68 responses to “8 Days of Giveaways! Day SEVEN: Blossoms by Branching Out”

  1. I have a total of five girls but only have two left at home. I’m *constantly * looking for nice, sturdy bows for their hair. Maybe this is it!!

  2. When the kids or better yet the hubby actually picks up something and puts it back where it belongs…… wait for it…… without me yelling or rather asking them to!

  3. Clean kids make me happy. And happy kids playing together. Oh, wait, that’s a big thing! Hmmm…..chocolate makes me happy. 🙂

  4. Hi Beth, I am one of your lurkers here. I stumbled across your website years ago. I too have five kids, five wonderful and wild daughters. I relate to so, SO much of what you say, and I love that you can bring humor to the most painful of situations, and I love that you are so real, because I’m real too. As to what makes me happy, I LOVE photos, especially of my family, past or present. They bring me real joy!

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