You know how sometimes you wish you had more than two thumbs to give? Like, when you’re all, TWO THUMBS UP to your friends but then you wish you had three thumbs because they brought cookies? Or four because they said your kids probably won’t all grow up to be serial killers? In those moments, I’m all, “I REGRET THAT I HAVE BUT TWO THUMBS TO GIVE, friends.” They deserve so much more.
This isn’t just me. It can’t be. I mean, I know it’s just anecdotal evidence, but Facebook added a love button because sometimes like simply isn’t enough. I think they still need to add a vomit button and a rolling-eyes button given our current political environment, but still, Facebook is at least attempting to allow us to share the scope of our emotion, and I appreciate that.
I texted my friend Kasey a four-thumber the other night…

…and right away, she understood not just my approval but my deep desire for additional thumbs.

Kasey gets me. She really does. I like her because she’s not just a problem solver, she thinks of practical solutions. Still, I had a few questions, for clarity, you know?

I’m so glad I asked, friends. Kasey initially assumed a certain level of Toe Thumb awareness on my part, but I’m a true Toe Thumb novice.

Conclusion? ASK QUESTIONS. Nobody likes a know-it-all, and I think I can speak for all of us when I say the very last thing you want is upside down Toe Thumbs.
P.S. If you’re looking for toe seeds at Home Depot, Kasey offered some advice on where to find them.

P.P.S. I also looked up “Thumb Seeds” on Amazon, as one does, hoping to find out whether I can have them shipped to my door and save myself the trip to Home Depot.
I have several take-always from the search results, as follows:
A) Amazon verified Kasey’s advice by providing product info for a prosthetic thumb in case growing your own thumbs from seed proves too difficult, a pocket knife for toe severing, and thumb seeds. Well done, Amazon. Well done.
B) Clearly the seller has to call these “thumb watermelon seeds” because the selling of human body parts is prohibited, presumably even in seed form, but, by looking at the picture, one can see they are, in fact, advertising the thumb.
C) Microscopic watermelons are also a thing, which I didn’t know prior to this search. I presume these watermelons, each of which must be peeled separately in order to eat them, are for people who are exceedingly bored and thus can allot time to tiny watermelon peeling. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I know not who these people are, but I would like one afternoon to be them, please.
P.P.P.S. Following the horrific “shitholes” comment by President Trump yesterday, one of you (I’m looking at you, Mehera) suggested we elect Jed Bartlet president, instead. I’m in favor. Also acceptable, in no particular order: Jean Luc Picard, Michelle Obama, Mike Rowe, a bag of chips, my Golden Retriever Zoey, Sarah Silverman, Elizabeth Warren, a rock, The Rock, that one flight attendant who had enough of his job and pulled the emergency exit door on the tarmac so he could escape via life raft slide, my favorite barista Ian from the Coffee Cottage, Stampy the Minecraft YouTuber, Boss Baby, Gayle King, Ira Flatow, or these teeny, tiny watermelons that look like thumbs. Sheesh.
9 responses to “In Case You Need Thumb Seeds, Tiny Watermelons, Or A New President, Which Are Basically The Same Thing…”
Those tiny watermelons are clearly bred to feed to hamsters, so that we can make videos of them eating said tiny watermelons. Next we need to start working on the tiny burrito trees.
Um, add Leslie Knopp to that list please!
Ugh, Monday morning, Leslie Knope. I’d also strongly consider Andrew Shepherd.
Helloooo and welcome to another State of the Union address. Not my union, but the Union of the good United States of America, of course, eyuck eyuck eyuck. Today, like all days, we start with cake! nomnomnomnomnom
I could get behind Stampy as POTUS.
I’m more of a lurker than a commented BUT the headline alone was so delightful and unique I had to comment. And then you topped the headline because you said elect Jed Bartlet. And last night when I was wide awake I was actually binging West Wing just to feel better about our current um, situation. I’m also pro golden retriever, a rock or The Rock at this point. Heck, I think a nice empty chair could do just fine…….
I agree with Chris.
Also, if you use those specific thumb seeds, would the new thumbs grow in green? It would be cool to have a green thumb. I would like to not kill every plant I try to grow. I wonder if not having a green thumb affects the probability of the thumbs growing in properly?
So many questions. I think I will not sleep tonight.
Also, TinyWatermelons2020. VOTE, people.
MIKE ROWE, please.
I’ve actually eaten thumb watermelons before. Also called “cucamelons”, they are more akin to cucumbers and make excellent pickles, especially for those of you who drink martinis. They do not need to be peeled, rather like mini kiwis (do you know about mini kiwis?! I would give them at least three thumbs up).
I know you don’t know me, and I hate to sound like a creeper, but I love you Beth – in a totally platonic, non-stalkery kind of way.