Happy Inertia Day!


Happy Inertia Day, friends!

If you didn’t know that was a thing, SURPRISE! I invented it this very day, and I shall henceforth celebrate it whenever I can’t get off my butt to get things done.

I was inspired by literally nothing, which is what I’ve accomplished so far today. Oh, I have Stuff to Do. I have a Lengthy List. I have the Usual Chores plus all the Holiday Extras. What I seem to lack, however, is Oomph. 

I have no Oomph today. Zero. Just none. 

It’s 2pm, and I’m wearing mismatched sweats — tie-dye blue bottoms and a mint and gray striped top — I found on my bathroom floor when I got out of bed too late this morning. No undies, of course; those were too hard to find because I would’ve had to look under things or in the dryer or through the masses of clean clothes on the laundry room floor. No socks, either — same reason, so my toes have been cold for hours even though a 60 second excavation of the piles could have solved that problem. I’m hungry and my coffee is cold, but food requires some sort of effort, and the microwave is at least 12 steps away. 

You see the problem.

Good thing today is Inertia Day or I’d feel bad about my lack of productivity. Inertia Day, though, makes my dearth of accomplishments OFFICIAL. ON PURPOSE, even. I mean, you can’t finish things on Inertia Day or you’re doing it wrong. And God forbid we fail at being inert. 

So if you’re feeling kind of Meh today, just know it’s OK. Me, too. It’s Inertia Day, and you just didn’t know you were succeeding so well at it yet. 

Waving in the dark,



P.S. I’m going to be a hypocrite now and try to do Something. 

P.P.S. Actually,  I’m going to try to do Three Tiny Things because I think they’re the healthiest choices I can make right now, and as someone who’s gotta watch her mental health, that’s important. 1. I’m going to do something my body needs. Like eat food.  2. I’m going to do something that will make me feel better when it’s done. Like the dishes or a shower. 3. I’m going to do something frivolous I want to do like paint my nails or bake cookies or read a whole chapter of my book. With permission. Without guilt. Knowing breathing, resting, and self-care are far healthier than mentally spinning on Everything Not Done.

If I get more done after that, great. Tomorrow’s list will thank me. But if I only do those three things, I’m going to give Self a pat on the back and two thumbs up. And probably a cookie. 

P.P.P.S. If I crap out at #1, though, it’s back to Inertia Day, friends. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ What can I say? I’m doing the best I can

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7 responses to “Happy Inertia Day!”

  1. Not inertia day, a rest day. I think your plan for the three tiny things should be the start of your daily to-do list every day. Anything else is a bonus.

  2. Oh, THAT’S why I keep on playing this word scramble game on my phone instead of doing anything I actually want to do, much less need to do.

  3. But but but your Xmas tree is up! And lit and decorated. I’ve been putting up a tree for 44 yrs, it will be 45 if I can overcome inertia. Thank goodness it’s pre-lit. Decorating it will have to happen another day. You’re doing fine Beth any day you get out of your jammies.

  4. Oh yes! I knew there was I couldn’t get my body to move today. When the kids were smaller my three daily things were: dishes, dinner, do laundry (and by laundry I mean swtitch a load to the dryer or bring a basket up from the basement). Thanks for inventing this holiday; if you find some oomph tomorrow, maybe you could design some Happy Inertia Day greeting cards.

  5. I celebrate and raise your inertia day to inertia month. Laid up after some foot surgery. BUT, got stitches out today and put a shoe on my foot for the first time in 3 weeks! Coffee and the odd shower or 2 have been all that’s on my list these days!

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