Nuts and Bolts. Also, Unrelated, I’m Nuts, and I Bolted.
It’s been a conundrum, these past few years, trying to figure out how to allot writing time between a blog, a manuscript, a book proposal, and the socials. The socials are, of course, the most immediate and the easiest. Great marketing on Meta’s part. And, frankly, the socials provide the best access and communication with…
New Year’s Resolutions Don’t Work for Me, So I Do This, Instead
I spent a while thinking about why New Year’s resolutions make me feel TIRED, ANXIOUS, and OVERWHELMED, especially since I actually WANT to assess the past and set goals for my future. I am, after all, invested in my own mental health–for the sake of myself and everyone who enjoys the privilege of living with…
The Kids Are Gonna Be Alright
Look at the darling young adult humans who let me love them. I call them all my babies. Friends, I am here to tell you definitively: the kids are gonna be alright. These precious ones are 17-20ish years old and they already understand community, camaraderie, and deep, abiding compassion. They show up for each other.…
Wait. You can ACTUALLY SEE things in your brain??
OK, so, listen. Have you heard about this? Aphantasia? It’s the inability to “picture” or “see” or “visualize” things in the mind. Apparently, 2-4% of the population has aphantasia, but most have no idea they have it. IT TURNS OUT, THAT IS ME, and it’s kind of blowing my mind. So, I read about aphantasia…