On Candy Canes and Existential Dread
I have a method for eating candy canes, and it’s not good but it’s mine and I’m keeping it. Objectively, I understand the best, tidiest, most prolonged way to eat a candy cane is to start at the bottom of the shepherd’s crook–where the cane would strike the earth were it used for walking rocky…
On Conjuring Energy From Nothing…Because Of Course. And Always.
Last night at 8:17pm, my son hollared “DAMN IT” and slammed his door. Right before that we replied, “Oh, no! So sorry! No. We forgot.” And right before that he asked if we remembered the Thing He Wanted to Do which was at 7:30pm. And right before that he said, “SHIT. I forgot the Thing I…
About That Shaking
Sometimes, when it’s quiet in my house, which is not very often because the dogs bark and the children bark at each other and sometimes I bark, too, but sometimes, when it’s quiet in my house–my sturdy house made of sturdy stuff–I feel a gentle shaking. I wait a minute. I pause. I assess. Is it shaking?…
The Longest Night
I don’t know. The older I get, the more I’m enamored with…in tune with…drawn by…the passing of the years. The impotence of the days. The importance of the seasons. Maybe this is what it is to get older. To speed up and slow down at the same time. To understand how quickly time passes and…