15 Realistic Recipes to Feed Your Family in an Apocalypse
The pandemic continues, Oregon is on fire along with the rest of the West, and even though the fire a couple miles from our house is now 75% contained (THANK YOU, FIREFIGHTERS!), my brain is broken. Just totally kaput. Zero percent battery, and I forgot where I put my brain charger. I was feeling badly…
21 April 2020 — The COVID Diaries: Staying Sane in a Time That’s Not
Dear Diary, I’m popping up and down from the kitchen table while I’m writing this, trying to keep Family Pizza Night on track, so we’ll see how this goes. Today is officially Day #37 of Quarantine. They say it takes three weeks to form a habit. I don’t know who “They” are, but it’s…
13 April 2020 — The COVID Diaries: Staying Sane in a Time That’s Not
Dear Diary, I spend most of every day worried about the Mommies of Littles.* (*And probably the Daddies of Littles who are the primary caregivers, as well… it’s just that my experience is as a Mommy, so feel free to substitute gender as you see fit.) I think about the Mommies constantly. It is,…
Bread and Body Fluids: I’d Come Up With a Less Gross Title, But I Have One Kid Crying, One Harfing, and One Bleeding… I’m Sure You Understand
Took my kid to the orthodontist this morning. He had to have brace wires removed so I could take him to the dentist to get four teeth pulled. Spilled my coffee. All 20 ounces. All over the floor of the orthodontist’s office. I put it on the floor, then immediately kicked it over. I hadn’t…