A Lesson in Christmas Baking
Today I learned a valuable lesson in Christmas baking. Namely, it’s never too late! I realize it’s the day after Christmas. I’m a little behind. I’m perpetually a little behind. Somehow, my kids didn’t care that it’s too late. Kids are really good that way. Too late for Christmas baking? Not on their watch. I…
A Birthday, A Monster, and A Murder
Today was my son Ian’s 11-year-old birthday party. I made a terrible faux pas. Ian’s birthday is close to Thanksgiving. Like anyone with a child whose birthday is close to a holiday, I try to make his birthday special by not allowing the holiday to bleed all over his special day. Ian’s birthday isn’t about…
Food for Thought
I try to feed my family healthy and appealing meals. This takes the form of a lot of homemade cooking, a general preference for locally grown food, an insistence that my children befriend vegetables, and an attempt to limit sugar and excess. Attempt does not always equal success, but, hey, I’m trying. We almost never…