26 May 2020 — The COVID Diaries: Staying Sane in a Time That’s Not
Dear Diary, I found a turd on my desk this morning. An actual poop. Just one tiny tootsie roll, all by itself, still fresh. Puppy sized. But there was no way for the puppy to get on my desk, and, also, he wasn’t in my room. Which means the turd just spontaneously materialized there. Or someone…
2 May 2020 — The COVID Diaries: Staying Sane in a Time That’s Not
Dear Diary, I spent all day reorganizing the pantry because I decided I’m going to feel like a fantastic idiot if the Cascadia Earthquake hits and I didn’t use this time I have at home to ensure we’re adequately prepared. Like, you know what I’m saying, Diary? Who lives through one massive crisis and…
29 April 2020 — The COVID Diaries: Staying Sane in a Time That’s Not
Dear Diary, I’m finding in a time of global stress it’s very important to manage interactions online, which are, while we’re in isolation, our main outlet for interactions of any kind. And, not to brag, but I’d like the record to reflect that my social media game is on point, especially following Beth’s 3…
18 April 2020 — The COVID Diaries: Staying Sane in a Time That’s Not
Dear Diary, I’M SO SORRY I FORGOT TO TELL YOU WHICH WIENERS WE LIKED BEST. I wrote to you yesterday about our very official, blind taste test: Nathan’s Beef Franks vs. Hebrew National. Honestly, Hebrew National has been my favorite for years, so I assumed they’d be the winner even though I’ve never had…