Category: Twins

  • I’m a Pee Fight Pacifist

    Look, I don’t usually take on extreme positions here. I’m just not that kind of girl. I tend to be all mushy and “well, there are two sides to every story” and “I’m sure she had the best intentions” and “there’s room for EVERYONE.” On the other hand, I believed Mr. Clinton when he said…

  • It’s Spring Break, aka March Madness (for Parents)

    It’s Spring Break, aka March Madness for Parents. Which has nothing to do with basketball and everything to do with how we play the parenting game. So far, one of my kids fell in a river, and I lost another one in the forest. Don’t worry, though. All’s well. Sometimes, even ninjas lose their balance.…

  • On Being Wrong and Being Human: Thoughts From a 6-Year-Old

    We were driving in the car when one of my 6-year-olds said something. Something wrong, according to his twin brother. They argued it out ’til the Wrong One acquiesced, at which point the Right One said, “In your FACE. BOOM!” Now, look. I’m trying not to raise a brood of gloaters ’cause no one likes a know-it-all, right? I…

  • Tricky Dick: Not a Story About Nixon

    When we were kids, we used to sit cross-legged at school and call it Indian Style. No one calls it that anymore for all the right reasons. Hooray for cultural sensitivity and change! Now kids sit Crisscross at school. Except no one calls it just Crisscross, because ho hum, right? How boring. Now when you…