Tag: 5 Quick Questions

  • 5 Quick Questions, vol. 3

    It’s time for a new edition of 5 Quick Questions. This is my opportunity to get to know you better, and one of my favorite new things we do here. To those of you who used the last two volumes to delurk, it’s so very nice to meet you! And to those of you who’ve been…

  • Stuff We Step On: It’s Not Just the Legos

    As I read your responses to 5 Quick Questions, volume 2, I noticed a disturbing trend, friends, and I started to develop a theory. Rather than be an alarmist, though, I took my time analyzing the data. Combing through your stories for the cold, hard, sometimes terrifying facts, and entering all of the information in…

  • 5 Quick Questions, vol. 2

    It’s been two weeks since our first volume of 5 Quick Questions, and I love (LOVE) getting to know you better. To those of you who took the opportunity to delurk, it’s so very nice to meet you! And to those of you who’ve been around a while, messing around in this space and putting your feet…

  • 5 Quick Questions, vol. 1

    I have a friend who has 30 best friends because, as she says, “They’re all best at something different.” I think she’s onto something. I’ve been collecting best friends for quite some time now. Some of my friends have to put up with me in person. Anxious me. Confident me. Tongue-tied me. Eloquent me. Weepy…