Tag: Abby

  • A Letter to My Daughter’s Other Mom

    26 March 2018 We found her. Finally. After nearly 20 years and an international investigation, we found our daughter’s birth mom. So I’m sitting here on a Tuesday, at my desk, with paper and a pen and a view of the rainy Oregon foothills trying to decide what to say to a mama across the…

  • To Tomicka Who Works the Night Shift at the Crowne Plaza

      Dear Tomicka Who Works the Night Shift at the Crowne Plaza at the Seattle Airport, I don’t know how many frantic phone calls you field every night. I don’t know how many of those come from mommies who are too far away from their kids to help them. I don’t know how many times…

  • A Dog Named Bullsh*t

    A Dog Named Bullsh*t

    Once upon a time, my daughter was two. Now that she’s 16, she looks like this: But when she was 2, she looked like this:   And when she looked like that, with chubby cheeks and overalls, wispy hair and a funny run, she couldn’t talk. I mean, she tried to talk, and she had all…

  • The Second Dresser Drawer: A Heartwarming Story of Childhood Terror

    The Second Dresser Drawer: A Heartwarming Story of Childhood Terror

    “Fine,” said the younger daughter with great reluctance, “you can look in my room. As long as you don’t open the second dresser drawer.“ She looked at us with her I’m Not Kidding face, and her Don’t Try Me Right Now lip-pursing, and the I’m a Preteen And I WILL Knife You in Your Sleep…