Tag: Cael

  • On Being Wrong and Being Human: Thoughts From a 6-Year-Old

    We were driving in the car when one of my 6-year-olds said something. Something wrong, according to his twin brother. They argued it out ’til the Wrong One acquiesced, at which point the Right One said, “In your FACE. BOOM!” Now, look. I’m trying not to raise a brood of gloaters ’cause no one likes a know-it-all, right? I…

  • Warning: Kids Grow Up. This Is Not a Drill.

    I feel like it’s important to warn you so you at least have a chance to avoid me today. To hunker down in your house under your blankets or your baby’s burp-rag or whatever you can find. To lock yourself in the bathroom and to tell your littles to shush and quiet down and here, eat this…

  • Tricky Dick: Not a Story About Nixon

    When we were kids, we used to sit cross-legged at school and call it Indian Style. No one calls it that anymore for all the right reasons. Hooray for cultural sensitivity and change! Now kids sit Crisscross at school. Except no one calls it just Crisscross, because ho hum, right? How boring. Now when you…

  • Sleeping. In Surround Sound.

    I made you something the other night while I was busy not sleeping. I not-sleep a lot because my children regularly and expertly outmaneuver my Ambien prescription and my 50 pairs of earplugs. Frankly, I think Ambien and Earplugs should just admit defeat and quit embarrassing themselves, but they went to a Tony Robbins workshop…