Tag: Cai

  • Brief Update: Your Response Requested

    Brief Update: Your Response Requested

    Quick updates, friends, on this, the first day of school 2018: 1. Got up early this morning! BEFORE my alarm went off. I AM ON TOP OF ALL THE THINGS. THIS IS MY NEW ROUTINE. I SHALL BE UP EARLY EVERY DAY THIS SCHOOL YEAR.  2. Fell back asleep.  3. Slept through my alarm. 4.…

  • How to Know If You Have Buns of Steel

    How to Know If You Have Buns of Steel

    I accidentally played Buns of Steel with my 8 year old twins. FYI, for the uninitiated, Buns of Steel is played in one’s laundry room whilst clad in undies (or skivvies if you’re part of the Under 10 crowd), and the rules are as follows: 1. Clench your butt cheeks as tightly as you can.2. Get…

  • On a Mama’s Intuition (and Acne)

    I took a 1st grader to the doctor this morning. This is his 4th follow-up post surgery. Although Greg and I argued about whether our son really needed to hear out of both ears (Greg: “He really does, Beth.” Me: “But GENERAL ANESTHETIC and he’ll probably DIE and you are SUCH A JERK and GAH!”), Greg…

  • On Getting a Snake (and Possibly New Friends and Family)

    I’m so excited to introduce you to Isabelle, the newest member of our family. Isabelle is a Kenyan Sand Boa who enjoys snuggling and long walks on the beach. She’s really a darling. Also, she might be a boy, but whatever. Of course, naming Isabelle proved to be a HUGE challenge.  Greg wanted to name…