This Is Just A Blog About Cats Now
This is just a blog about cats now. It used to be a blog about mental illness, finding relief, questionable parenting, pooping my closet, foster dogs, torturing Greg, and waving to each other in the dark. But then I got a pregnant foster cat. This is Quantum. She is a very young kitty. Just a…
If I Could Visit Myself in the Past…
If I could visit myself in the past, I’d have a few things to say. Things Past Me didn’t know. Things Past Me couldn’t tell. If I could visit myself in the past, I’d tell myself, “Being Thin is not the goal. Being Not Fat isn’t either.” If I could visit myself in the past,…
This Is Where All My Words Have Gone
I’m writing to you today because I’ve been neglecting this space, and I miss you, and I want to explain where my words have gone. Once upon a time, I set out to write a nonfiction book about the myths I once believed and the truths that replaced them. Myths like we’re supposed to strive…
Henceforth, I shall answer all how-are-you queries using the FT Scale.
Yesterday was my COVID Isolation Anniversary. One year of lockdown. One year of paying attention to toilet paper supplies. One year of stasis and rapid change, of everything-stays-the-same and it’s-all-different. One year during which life has become infinitely more simple and relentlessly more complicated. One year. Friends check in occasionally. And I check in occasionally…