Adrienne the yoga teacher keeps telling me on the YouTube to move into positions “with ease.”
The COVID After Times are like becoming a mother. Never was there ever an experience so common, so universal, and so bewilderingly isolating. Everyone’s doing it. And everyone’s doing it alone. When I became a mother, I thought I was becoming part of a club. Part of a whole. Part of a unified conglomerate. So…
Lesson from a Foster Dog (You Is Such a Gud Human… Yes, You Is)
Daisy was the dumbest dog I’ve ever fostered. Bar none. Hands down. Dumb. Est. Don’t get me wrong; Daisy was also Top 3 for Sweetest Foster Ever. Never did you ever meet a more darling rug. Her eyes and smile could light up a room. But a genius she was not. We had Daisy for…
Once upon a time there was a woman who lived during a pandemic, and she was tired.
Once upon a time, there was a woman who lived during a pandemic, and she had expectations about herself and who she was and how productive she ought to be, and isn’t that a funny thing? Once upon a time there was a woman who lived before a pandemic, and she was in a river,…
Memories of Coup Attempts Gone By
There were two reasons school was canceled when I was in ninth grade—typhoons and coup attempts—and in the manner of privileged and oblivious youth everywhere, I was afraid of neither. I was 13 when I left my parents for boarding school in the Philippines, making the four-day trip from Indonesia with two 15-year-old boys and…