UPDATED: The Directly Proportional Law of Housekeeping
Not to toot my own horn, but I’m making important contributions to science. Discoveries as profound as Newton’s Law of Gravity, really. A couple of years ago, for example, my work focused on the Transitive Property of Parenting. This year, I discovered the Directly Proportional Law of Housekeeping. The Directly Proportional Law of Housekeeping The…
What’s in plants?
What’s in plants, Mom? It wasn’t an unusual question coming from the science-minded six-year-old. He wants to know how everything works right now. Ever-y-thing. And all the episodes of Myth Busters feed the fire, friends. Just yesterday, for example, my kid couldn’t move on with life until he received an acceptable explanation for Pluto’s declassification as a…
It’s National Intention Deficit Disorder Awareness Week! (I meant to tell you sooner.)
Last week, I mentioned on Facebook that my husband believes he suffers from Intention Deficit Disorder. Greg just told me he has Intention Deficit Disorder. Now, if we discover that Intention Deficit Disorder runs in our family, that would explain a LOT of things, you guys. Like the filth. And most of the squalor. (We…
Happy New KidYear!
Happy New KidYear! or A Lesson in Creative Mathematics or How to Make Myself Feel Better about My Truly Ridiculous Schedule My first five years as a parent, I parented one child. And having Just One Child was easy the same way that assembling and baking a pie while suspended upside-down from a 200-foot-tall bridge is…