Tag: Cupcakes

  • When the Mommy War is of My Own Making

    I opened her blog and I saw it again. Another statement — an aside, really — explaining why she no longer writes about her children. It was just a quick note to her readers to help them understand the shift in her content, I think. Her babies are getting bigger, you see. And she wants to…

  • Tie-Dyed Christmas Cake

    Abby invited a handful of teenagers to our house last weekend. We planned to go ice skating, but the rink was closed for a recital. Then we planned to go to our little town’s First Friday Artwalk, which I thought sounded delightful, but which actually, I was told, is boring and cold. Then we planned to play board…

  • Chesterberry Muffins

    Chesterberry Muffins. I tried. I swear by everything that is good and holy in my life; I tried, I tried. First, I tried not to post about Chesterberry Muffins at all. Zip it, Beth. I told myself.  Silence is the better part of valor. FYI, silence isn’t the better part of valor.  That’s not even…

  • Corncakes and Underwear Lassos

    Despite what I said about Cai’s ranch-dressing covered toast (which I do, in fact, feed him), I can cook. Sometimes, I can even bake. And today I’m making cupcakes because I’m hosting a baby shower tomorrow.  I’m using one of my very favorite recipes, which I’m almost positive I invented all by myself. And, by…