Tag: Home

  • Quick Thanksgiving Tip

    Hey, friends! Super quick Thanksgiving tip for ya… Here’s the situation:  This is my son, Ian. Ian experiences disability. Communication disorder. Intellectual disability. Post-traumatic stress disorder from early-life trauma. And myriad other challenges. His life is harder than mine, in other words. He has to navigate a rerouted brain every minute of every day. It’s…

  • How to Host House Guests

    The eclipse is coming on Monday, and we here in Oregon in the path of totality are calling it the apoceclipse which turns out to be fairly accurate. There are gas shortages. The stores can’t restock fast enough and have apparently run out of some goods already. Traffic is at a standstill. The state has…

  • My Outdoor Bedroom: Thoughts on Living Weird. Happy and Weird.

    I used to think I didn’t like the outside. I’m not a long-haul backpacker like my most outdoorsy Oregonian friends. I don’t enjoy endurance hikes, forced-march style. I don’t even go on leisurely grandma walks around the block. But once I was able to tackle outside on my terms — biking in the sunshine, kayaking…

  • An Update on the Messes: Church, Holes in the Wall, America, and Pants

    It’s raining outside and the window is open because the puking kid in my bed wants it that way, and we all know pukers get what pukers want. Except red juice. Pukers don’t get red juice. Not ever again. I can hear the delicate pitter patter of the rain drops hitting the patio interspersed with…