A Favor
Greg left home for a few days, so, as is our time-honored tradition, I had to decide which trouble to get into first. Options included a) using the three gallons of paint I bought to try to cover up the goo and grime somewhere (ANYWHERE) in my house, b) moving all the furniture in all the house and creating general…
The Pictures You Don’t See on Facebook: PTSD and My Son’s Service Dog Hero
We went on vacation last week, and it’s not lost on me that we’re now part of a narrowing group of American families who can afford ridiculous luxuries like paid time off and time together in the sun and water. Never mind that this holiday was paid for by Nana and Papa, and not us; we…
Christmas Came Early: Introducing Someone Very Special…
The tentative whispers and the cautious what ifs — the quiet perhapses and the hesitant maybes — can change your life. I know they’ve changed mine. Again and again, the what ifs and maybes changed mine. Like, maybe I love him. And, what if I marry him? And, perhaps I should follow my heart. Changed my life. They were toes in the water and the slow first steps,…
Parenting for the Win
I’ve been parenting for the win a lot lately, and I just thought I’d share a couple things I’m doing exceptionally well so you can follow my example and better your parenting, too. First, I accused my teenager of acting like a 5-year-old because she didn’t want to come out of her room for, you…