Your Thoughts Requested: Democratic Presidential Candidates (Also Some Thoughts on Cash Ransoms that Have Zero to do with Anything Else. You’re welcome.)
Alrighty. I’ve learned two important things in the last two days, as follows: 1. I’ll never be able to pay a significant cash ransom should any of my people be kidnapped, so cross fingers that doesn’t happen. and 2. I just turned I Have to Be Home in Time for the Democratic Debates years old. …
Dear Charmin, I Have Questions
Dear Charmin Toilet Paper, I love you. I do. And I feel like it’s important to say so right up front. I love you, and I have good reasons. You’re soft. You’re dreamy. You’re durable. And you’re not likely to break under pressure, which I always admire because I can’t do that. At all. Like, not…
I Am Not Qualified to Have Conversations. Nevertheless, I Persist. Sorry.
Alright. I don’t know if this is advice or anti-advice, but it’s something, and now you’ll know it, too, instead of me just carrying it around in my head all by myself where it should probably stay locked up forever. Here’s the sitch: We bought a stunning farm in Oregon. And we’re working on the farm…
Twinsie Pics: How I Duplicated My Daughter’s Instagram Feed, Part Deux
or, alternatively titled, How I Ended Up Topless in Hawaii… on Not-a-Topless Beach I’m really not to blame here. Hawaii’s to blame. After all, I have terrible ideas and am historically irresponsible. A quick search of the internet by Hawaii would have revealed this and more. So the fact that Hawaii failed to avail itself of…