The Baby Fell Out!
The baby fell out! Into the waiting arms of a doctor. Just as planned. But still. It felt very dramatic. Look what Jeff and Kim made. Aw. They done good. So good. This very proud auntie is happy to introduce you to my newest nephew. Congratulations to Jeff, Kim and the baby’s big sister and…
To The Toilet Bowl
A title like “To The Toilet Bowl” makes it sound like this is going to be a letter to my toilet bowl. If that’s what you were expecting, I offer my sincere apology. Unfortunately, I’m simply not prepared at this time to confront my toilets’ accusations of abuse, their photographic “evidence” of such (I swear…
I grew up without a sister. My sister-in-law, Kim, finds that tragic. But I’ve never missed having one. Never ever. Except the time when I was 3, and my parents brought home a baby brother. Which was the exact opposite of the gender I requested. Because, apparently, my parents can’t follow basic instructions. So, when…
You know that Sesame Street song, One of These Things Is Not Like The Others? I like that song. On a completely unrelated note, after I posted this photo last week of my sister-in-law, Kim… my brother (who’s coincidentally Kim’s husband), sent me this message: Hi! Could you please replace the image of Kim on…