Tag: Kim

  • My brother and I never didn’t bicker.

    Today is my little brother’s birthday. Jeff is 35. Woohoo! Here’s what I need for you to know about Jeff: Jeff pooped his pants a lot when he was younger. Like, Jeff pooped his pants ’til he was 17. Or maybe just ’til he was 6. It’s hard to say for sure; time was all…

  • Backward is the New Forward: Thoughts on Poo

    “Uuhhh, Jeff?” I asked my brother pointedly, “Do you know that your kid’s got his pajamas on backward?” I dunno; it didn’t seem like a completely stupid question at the time even though my kids wear crap backward all the time. Like hats. And pants. And pajamas. And attitudes. And actual crap.  And it’s not that I…

  • My Niece, My Prodigy

    My niece: I want french fries. Her dad: Well, I want good listeners. My niece: But Daddy, we HAVE french fries. ….. My little brother, Jeff, is a daddy. Jeff and Kim have three kids. Their kids are aged 3, 2 and almost 1. That’s three kids aged 3 and under. Three kids aged 3…

  • The Baby Fell Out!

    The baby fell out! Into the waiting arms of a doctor.  Just as planned.  But still.  It felt very dramatic. Look what Jeff and Kim made. Aw. They done good. So good. This very proud auntie is happy to introduce you to my newest nephew. Congratulations to Jeff, Kim and the baby’s big sister and…