There’s Been a Misunderstanding
We need to clear a little something up. It’s my fault. I should’ve known. But I wasn’t thinking about explaining myself when I opened my big mouth and blathered on, and, well, here we are in the middle of a misunderstanding. On March 8, as part of our 40 Days of Lent: 15 Minute Projects series,…
The Complete(ish) List of 40 Days of Lent: 15 Minute Projects
As you may know, we here at the 5 Kids blog (by which I mean Just Me, but whatever) are hosting 40 Days of Lent: 15 Minute Projects. Not because any of us need more to do, but because OH MY WORD, we desperately need LESS. Less STUFF. Less to step on. Less frustration. Less…
How to Declutter in 5 Simple Steps
This isn’t going to win me any environmentally-friendly awards, folks, but it is, in fact, the easiest way I’ve ever found to declutter, and when I am, as I am now, buried in endless piles of STUFF, it’s the method to which I turn. I suppose, if we’re being charitable, we might say this is…
The Joy of Half-Assery: Day 3 of Lent
Today’s 15 Minute Project is a corner. One corner of one room. Any room you like. Because, no matter what Patrick Swayze said in Dirty Dancing, sometimes we do put baby in a corner. Baby and EVERYTHING ELSE. All the Things in corners! I could, in fact, spend the next 40 Days of Lent purging…