Tag: Lent

  • There’s Been a Misunderstanding

    We need to clear a little something up. It’s my fault. I should’ve known. But I wasn’t thinking about explaining myself when I opened my big mouth and blathered on, and, well, here we are in the middle of a misunderstanding. On March 8, as part of our 40 Days of Lent: 15 Minute Projects series,…

  • The Complete(ish) List of 40 Days of Lent: 15 Minute Projects

    The Complete(ish) List of 40 Days of Lent: 15 Minute Projects

    As you may know, we here at the 5 Kids blog (by which I mean Just Me, but whatever) are hosting 40 Days of Lent: 15 Minute Projects. Not because any of us need more to do, but because OH MY WORD, we desperately need LESS. Less STUFF. Less to step on. Less frustration. Less…

  • How to Declutter in 5 Simple Steps

    This isn’t going to win me any environmentally-friendly awards, folks, but it is, in fact, the easiest way I’ve ever found to declutter, and when I am, as I am now, buried in endless piles of STUFF, it’s the method to which I turn. I suppose, if we’re being charitable, we might say this is…

  • The Joy of Half-Assery: Day 3 of Lent

    Today’s 15 Minute Project is a corner.  One corner of one room. Any room you like. Because, no matter what Patrick Swayze said in Dirty Dancing, sometimes we do put baby in a corner. Baby and EVERYTHING ELSE. All the Things in corners! I could, in fact, spend the next 40 Days of Lent purging…