Tag: Parenting and Imperfection Series

  • Graffiti for the Whole Family

    Tonight, I was done. Done done. Done ditty done done done. My family kept talking. On top of each other. All at once. And they were loud. And I was done. So I quit. I crawled under our dining room table and I quit. They asked me what I was doing, and I said “You’re ALL SO LOUD,”…

  • On Parenting and Imperfection: Sometimes, It’s a Baba Ghanoush Day by Julie Cairns

    Welcome to our Monday guest post series on Parenting and Imperfection. Now, I won’t say I begged for this post, exactly, mostly because that would be unflattering to myself, but I will say I maybe pushed a teeny bit, or cajoled slightly more than once. 🙂 It’s just, I love Julie Cairns‘ writing. I love her…

  • On Parenting and Imperfection: My Worst Parenting Fear by Shannon Lell

    Welcome to our Monday guest post series on Parenting and Imperfection. Today, I’m excited to share this space with my friend, Shannon Lell. And, look, there are a lot of reasons I love Shannon, not least of which is the tag line on her blog which reads, “When we are our authentic selves, we give others…

  • On Parenting, Faith and Imperfection

    Today we’re going to talk about faith again. And, in fact, we’re going to talk about faith at least, like, two times in the next couple weeks because then this is a SERIES. A series of at least TWO posts, because I’m a mother of five kids and school is starting any day now and that’s…